St Peter the Apostle
Provincetown MA 02657

11 Prince Street,
Provincetown MA, 02657

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Pastor: Rev. Philip N. Hamel  eMail the Pastor
Deacon: Deacon Joe Kane  eMail the Deacon
Office Address:
Mass Schedule:
Office :
Fr Phil :
Cathleen Henrique  eMail the Office
11 Prince St Provincetown MA, 02657
508-487-0095 ext 1
508-487-0095 ext 2

508-487-0095 ext 3
Office Hours: Monday, Tuesday 9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Wednesday  9:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
By Appointment Only
St. Vincent dePaul Helpline: 508-487-0095 ext 4
Religious Education: Lori DaLomba  eMail Religious Education
Parish Nurse: Eileen Cabral  eMail the Parish Nurse
Cantor: Gerald Cassese 
Sexton & Cemetery Mgmt: Maurice Gonsalves 
Parish Council Chair: Carrie Lopes  eMail the Parish Council
Webmaster: Jeff Barnes  eMail the Webmaster
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